This site is designed like a graph. You could explore this graph by clicking the links embedded in the essays. Each link is a tangent, the bifurcation of my mind, a less-than-logical turn in the train of thought. I have tried to make more explicit the connection between two nodes in the graph, or essays, through the content of the hyperlinked text. Hovering over the links (on desktop) should allow you to see a sneak peek, so you can decide whether or how to continue reading.
This site was made using Obsidian, a software application for taking notes that supports a graph structure, and Quartz, a static site generator that is compatible with Obsidian.
There are two main types of nodes: essays and memories. While essays revolve around abstract topics where I am trying to make a point, memories are (more) concrete and descriptive. Right now they function as less structured posts that are more congealed associative thoughts; not able to be captured by a link label, which is usually where I make a logical or associative connection between nodes.
You can also explore the visual representation of these interconnections using the “Graph View.”
I’m experimenting with tagging each node so that essays/memories can be explored separately; this is a light form of structure that I think is helpful for me in organizing the site from a higher-level perspective, but I don’t think I like it so much as a visible part of the interface for others. But in case you’d be interested:
- meta: more reflections on the process of building the blog
- draft: for posts that I am still working on
There are some posts that I split up into thoughts that I’ve contributed at different times. These are separated by newlines and date stamps.
I love the structure of this site because it feels intuitive for me. I hope that I’ve structured and written it thoughtfully enough so that it is intuitive for others. If you’d feel inclined, please let me know what you think might contribute to a better user experience.